My Many Counterparts

Turns out the multiverse is crawling with S.G.s of all makes and models…

Evil S.G.
(Earth 2)

An S.G. from a mirror-universe, where everything’s the opposite.

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Colonial S.G.
(Earth 175)

The American Revolution is just happening on this S.G.'s Earth, but rather than side with the colonies or the British, he's not rushing to any hasty decisions. You might hear him proclaim “Hail to the king!” around British soldiers just as readily as “No tax on tea!” around American ones. Hey, what were you expecting, “Hamilton?”



Cool Professor S.G.
(Earth 89)

Got a burning question about fungi? This S.G. is your man! For years he’s studied the fungus among us, the lichen you’ve been likin’, and the mold you extoll. ‘Cause that’s how hepcat doctors of mycology like him do it.


Hobbit S.G.
(Earth 57)

Livin’ life to the fullest in his hobbit hole.

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Mad Scientist S.G.
(Earth 31)

A brilliant inventor on his world, Mad Scientist S.G. has created scads of machines, including gloves that make hand farts real, and a method for converting dirty words into clean energy. His latest invention, the "Peace Ray" (pictured above), worked a little too well on the leaders of two warring countries on his Earth.


Android S.G.
(Earth 125)

Generated in batch 11.22.A7, sector KY-42701 of the Ameri-Russia-China Conglomerate, Android S.G. is an efficient worker who was recently commended with a merit badge for “adequate performance” at his job as Second Adjunct Silicon Cake Froster


Post-Apocalyptic S.G.
(Earth 203)

Making the best of a bad situation.

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Mobster S.G.
(Earth 103)

Prohibition never went away on Mobster S.G.'s Earth, and neither did the mobsters. Nicknamed "Spit Valve" for his trademark trumpet and infectious smile, Mobster S.G. heads up the mobs’s illegal Roblox racket.

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Funk Master S.G.
(Earth 73)

“Broccoli Casserole Boogie.” “Clown Car Calypso.” “Plastic Surgeon Shimmy.” These are just a few delirious droplets from the rampaging river of jamalicious jams gushing out of Funk Master S.G.’s musical mind. Millions of fans have been digging on the giddy grooves of this most holy of hit makers for years!